8 Steps for Youthful, Glowing Skin

By Rashida A. Marshall

Small changes can yield big results in so many different areas of our well-being, one of which is the health of our skin. With so many different products advertised to us on a regular basis, it’s easy to forget that improving the appearance of our skin is something that we can be in control of on our own. Engaging in healthy lifestyle practices, such as the ones below, can be a great help for anyone who would like to take off a few years, naturally, while improving their skin health for years to come.


  1. Grab Some Water

Drinking water on a regular basis is on the best things you can do to maintain healthy, vibrant skin. Drinking adequate amounts of water helps our body to flush out toxins and transport nutrients throughout the body. It also helps to maintain our skin’s elasticity, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and allows our skin to look more plump and full. Aim to drink at least 8 to ten 8-ounce glasses of water each day.

  1. Catch up on some ‘Zzz’s

When we lay our head down at night to sleep, this is our body’s chance to become rejuvenated and refreshed. Over time lack of sleep can cause our skin to appear dull. It also increases the release of cortisol, also known as “the stress hormone”, which can lead to a breakdown of collagen and increase our chance of developing wrinkles. Make an effort to pull away from late night work, television watching or internet surfing so that you may get 6-8 hours of quality sleep each night.


  1. Protection from Extreme Heat or Cold

Being outside and enjoying mother nature is a wonderful thing, but it is important that we take the proper steps to protect our skin from elements which may be damaging. Extreme wind or cold weather can reduce the amount of moisture in our skin and cause it to dry out. Excess sun exposure can cause the skin to burn and increase the risk of skin cancer. Depending on the weather conditions of your area, be sure to protect your skin in whichever way is most appropriate and needed.


  1. Break a Sweat

Exercising is another fabulous way for us to improve the health of our skin. The sweating that occurs during our workouts helps to remove toxins and debris from the body which can wreak havoc on our skin’s healthy appearance. Physical activity also causes increased blood circulation within the body and allows for the skin to receive vital nutrients to help repair skin damage. Incorporating at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day can help with bringing about improvements in your skin.


  1. Grab Your Partner and Get Going

Some quality time with your S.O. and better skin? All the more reason to hop in the sack! Sex causes for oxytocin and beta-endorphins to be released within the body which help to fight off inflammation that can cause a variety of skin issues. Blood circulation is increased during sex which helps with collagen production, increased nutrients and moisture for the skin, a lovely after-glow. It also speeds up the process of drifting off at night (see step #2 ).


  1. Prepare a Colorful Plate

Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables can make a world of difference in the both the appearance and health of your skin. If you are looking to treat a particular skin problem, reduce skin dryness or simply maintain the health of your skin, increasing the amount nutrients in your diet, such as Vitamins A and C, can be a big help. Both have been shown to improve and promote the development of healthy skin production. Consider adding foods such as cantaloupe, mangoes, kiwi, sweet potatoes, spinach, carrots, bell peppers, and citrus fruits to your diet to receive more of these vitamins in your meals.


  1. Turn the Frown Upside Down

When we find ourselves in stressful situations, more often than not, our face reflects our emotions with a grimace or furrowed brow of some sort. Smiling and laughing work the muscles in our face and require that blood be directed to those areas. The increase in oxygen helps to keep our face glowing, naturally, and also slows down the development of wrinkles. You, know what they say, a smile is an instant facelift.


  1. Reduce Sugar Intake

We may not think much of it while eating a delectable sweet treat, but sugar can be one of the worst when it comes to the health of our skin. Large amounts of sugar can actually destroy or weaken the collagen in our skin and reduce its elasticity, speeding up the development of wrinkles. Too much sugar in our diet can also create an inflammatory response within the body and can be detrimental to our body’s skin cells while increasing our risk of skin damage. Aim to reduce your intake of sugary foods and drinks, and check for hidden and added sugars in your food products.

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