4 Steps to De-Clutter Your Life to Gain Focus and Peace
By Tanya Clark, Esq.

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Clutter, is a debilitating and distracting word. We all know the feeling of being distracted and off balance. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information, marketing messages, and just plain old “stuff,” being able to de-clutter our minds and relax becomes a sought after commodity.  So, how do we do it? How do we take a moment daily and intentionally clear our minds? Let’s take a look at a few steps to help you do that.

  1. Meditate and zone out. Take time every day for yourself. Rest your mind and shut it off from the necessity of processing and interpreting information. That means no TV, no conversation, no social media, and no reading. Allow no distractions to take you away from your meditation time. Shut down from family and work duties to re-energize.

I take time first thing in the morning as well as the last thing in the evening to zone out. When it is perfectly quiet in my house, I can totally focus on me. It will take a bit of work to master this step but remember that you are worth it.




About Tanya Clark

Tanya Clark is an attorney, entrepreneur, author, speaker and consultant. Tanya is the founder of Vision Expansion Consulting, LLC. Tanya consults with entrepreneurs on how to effectively start and grow their small businesses. Connect with her at www.visionexpansion.com and www.facebook.com/visionexpansion.

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