Summertime is one of the best times to get together with family and friends and encourage one another to stay active. Partner or group workouts don’t always have to be complicated or full of crazy moves. Even performing the same movement with your partner and adding small variations to common exercises can be enough to keep you both on track towards successfully completing your workout routine. We still have some warm days ahead of us, so check out partner exercises that you and a friend can do just about anywhere.

Squat to Triceps Dips

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One partner begins by sitting down into a squat position while the other partner rests palms on partner one’s thighs to prepare for triceps dips.

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 The partner in the dip position completes the desired amount of triceps dips before switching positions with and moving into a squat.

Mirroring Lunges

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Timed lunges can also be a simple but fun way to keep each other motivated. While facing one another, commit to staying at the same pace with your partner until the specified time is up. Mirror one another’s movements in an effort to stay at the same speed.



Plank w/ Leg Lifts

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Get into a plank position with palm down in about 2 feet distance in between you and your partner.

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 While in the plank, begin to mirror the movement of leg lifts by lifting the legs up one after the other at the same time as your partner. Aim to keep your core engaged and a steady flow of the breath. Continue for your desired amount of time or repetitions.

Plank to Shoulder Tap

partner workout
Get into a plank position with palms down and about 1 foot distance between you and your partner.
plank to shoulder tap exercise
Reach up with right arm and tap your partners left shoulder while they perform the same movement at the same time. Continue to perform simultaneously while switching arms for the desired amount.

How did these partner exercises workout for you? We’d love to hear in the comments!

Thank you to our model, Vandie Joseph.

Photography by Vatchner Joseph.

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