duron123 fre dig pho25,000—this is the number of infants that die every year as a result of infant mortality, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Infant mortality is classified as the death of a baby before his/her first birthday, and African American women are 2.3 times more likely to deal with this issue compared to non-Hispanic whites. The top causes of infant mortality are low birth weight, congenital malformations, SIDS and maternal complications, and although there are no specific screening tests to tell if a woman will have to deal with infant mortality, there are things which can be done to reduce the risks, such as making healthier choices during pregnancy.

Leading a healthy lifestyle both before and during pregnancy can greatly reduce a woman’s chances of having a high risk pregnancy. Studies have shown that how and what a woman eats before pregnancy is a large factor in the health of her future baby.


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