Ride Into Fitness

By Rashida A. Marshall

Indoor cycling has gained popularity over the years due to the energetic nature of the classes and the results they bring. Designed to give students a full-on fitness experience, indoor cycling classes, such as Spinning, consist of students riding stationary bikes while an instructor leads the commands moving to jam-packed music.

Although it can sound intense to those who are unfamiliar, indoor cycling classes can be great due to its ability to be modified to each student’s individual fitness level. Students are able to adjust the pedal rate and vary up the intensity and resistance levels. Additionally, body positioning can play a role as well, where standing up while pedaling can lead to a more work output versus being seated.

The benefits to cycling are certainly there, as well. It’s a great low-impact exercise due to it applying virtually no pressure to the knees and joints. This makes it a great alternative for those who are dealing with arthritis or injuries which may limit movement.

According the American College of Sports Medicine, one spinning class can burn anywhere from 400-600 calories. This can be of great benefit for those with busy schedules who are looking to get the most out of their workouts.

Additionally, indoor cycling can lead to major improvements in both cardiovascular and muscular endurance. For anywhere from 45 to 60 minutes, students will find themselves working at a pace that will get and keep their heart rate elevated, making it a great option for those looking to gain strength in that area. Moreover, due to the repetitive and resistant cycling motion, more tone and strength can be developed in the muscles, specifically the legs, butt and abdominals. When done consistently, this form of exercise can lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, improve body composition and reduce the metabolism.

On top of these benefits, indoor cycling can be done year-round and won’t be interrupted by the change in seasons which can sometimes lead to discomfort. So leave your helmet at home and jump into the next Spinning class to break a sweat!

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