
The Benefits of Deep Breathing

Inhale deeply. Exhale deeply. This terminology is often heard during a yoga class, yet they are actions which are ideal for us to repeat throughout our daily lives. Deep breathing is a valuable skill with stress placing such a burden on most people. In fact, studies have shown that about 60% of illnesses and diseases Continue Reading

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Transform Your Health w/ Yoga

Transform Your Health w/ Yoga By Sherrell Moore-Tucker One of the great things about the wellness industry at this point and time in our society is the variety and the availability of holistic tools and techniques available for those who are seeking transformation.  That transformation may be internal, external, or both depending on where that Continue Reading

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What’s with the Self-Love, Guru?*

By Maria Fenton *Strong language Let’s get this out of the way because I rolled my eyes and laughed my ass off when I first heard it, too. Me. Maria Fenton…The Self-Love Guru? Granted, I have been practicing yoga for years, studying love and enlightenment even longer and writing for what feels like forever, but Continue Reading

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Leaira of SouLight Dance Yoga

Leaira of SouLight Dance Yoga Using Self-Expression to Help Others By Rashida A. Marshall Finding ways to express yourself through movement can be a beautiful feeling. It can also be especially liberating when you are able to help others improve their lives at the same time. Leaira SouLight, the owner SouLight Dance Yoga is doing Continue Reading

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Can Yoga Help With Depression?

Can Yoga Help With Depression? By Sherrell Moore-Tucker Have you ever felt depressed? If so, you’re not alone. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), major depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States.Additionally, women are more prone to depression versus men. Depression is clinically defined as “a Continue Reading

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Yoga for Stroke Survivors

How Yoga Can Help Stroke Survivors? By Sherrell Moore-Tucker In recent years there has been more awareness on recognizing when someone is having a stroke than in the past, and I believe that speaks to our evolution as a society. Health is at the forefront in many regards and not just the recognition and prevention Continue Reading

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Cultivate a Zen State of Mind

Cultivate a Zen State of Mind By Kayla Moses-David Peace, Love and Light to you Beloved! I am Lady Kay, A Wife, Mother, Student, Manager, Dance Instructor, Yoga Instructor, Performer and a Writer for AFIYA Magazine! As one can assume, based upon these titles and the responsibilities that come along with them, I am a Continue Reading

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Beyond the Stretch

Beyond the Stretch By Sherrell Moore-Tucker When you think about stretching your body what comes to mind? For many of us, we envision bending over and touching our toes, a runner’s lunge or a standing quad stretch. Maybe a yoga posture comes to mind such as a deep back bend. Whatever you envision the stretch Continue Reading

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Breathe In. Breathe Out: Why Deep Breathing is So Important

Breathe In. Breathe Out. Why Deep Breathing is So Important. By Rashida A. Marshall Inhale deeply. Exhale deeply. This terminology is often heard during a yoga class, yet they are phrases which are ideal for us to repeat throughout our daily lives. Stress places such a burden on most people. In fact, studies have shown Continue Reading

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What are Mind-Body Exercises?

By Sherrell Moore-Tucker Do you remember Jane Fonda in the 80s or Step Aerobics in the 90s? It’s interesting to reflect on how things evolve and change in life, and the fitness industry is no different. As a society we’ve spent years sculpting muscles, gaining strength, and building our cardiovascular system all in the hopes Continue Reading

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